1. Course Enrolment or Application:

Students can apply for a course in any of the following ways:

– Through the web page of Campus Idiomático:

– By e-mail: [email protected]

– By post addressed to: Campus Idiomático, Calle Córdoba 6, locales 102-103, 29001 Málaga, Spain.

– In person in the secretary’s office of the school building.

If you need any assistance you can send us an e-mail: [email protected], or phone us on 0034 607531945 or 0034 951380159


  1. Acceptance or Confirmation:

With the inscription the student accept theses general conditions.

Within 48 hours of receiving the student’s course application, the student will receive the booking confirmation. If there are no vacancies in the chosen course a new proposal will be made by the School. In the case of any variation in the final price (due to any mistake in the calculations), we will send you the new estimates by email and/or post.


  1. Registration and down payment:

In order to be registered on your chosen course, either the advance payment must be sent to us or the course fees should be paid fully in advance. After receiving the acceptance letter, you need to pay 20% of the total fees for the course and the accommodation within 7 days.


  1. Payment Method:

The payment can be made by bank transfer to the following account:

Caixabank / IBAN: ES20 2100 9121 5002 0039 0984 /Código BIC/SWIFT: CAIXESBBXXX.

Please include the bank fees and the interbank commissions. Notice that if you have settled the 20% of the total cost, the rest of the fees can be paid by bank transfer to the same account too, or you can pay in cash, in the school, on the first day of attendance.


  1. Cancellation:

If the student cancels their stay, they will have to communicate it to the School by registered mail. If they communicate the cancellation to the School four weeks before the course starts, the fees paid will be given back minus an administrative penalty of 50 Euros. If the cancellation notice arrives between 30 and 7 days before the course starts, the fees paid will be given back minus an administrative penalty of 150 Euros. If the cancellation is made less than seven days before the course starts, no fees will be refunded. In case of illness of the student or other unforeseen events, it is possible to change the date of the course. If the date changes, the course must take place within one year of the originally set date.


  1. Visa:

In case the student needs a visa, he must inform the School (Campus Idiomático) when submitting the application for the course. Then Campus Idiomático will send an invitation letter to the student for the embassy, once the payment for the course has been completed (including the bank expenses). Only in the case of rejection by the embassy, the student will have to send the rejection letter to the School at least 15 days before the course starts to get back all the fees paid. If the cancellation notice arrives between 14 and 7 days before the course starts, the fees paid will be given back minus an administrative penalty of 100 Euros. If the cancellation is made less than seven days before the course starts, no fees will be refunded. The conditions for the refunded fees would be the same than those in point five.


  1. Age limit:

The minimum age limit is 16 years old. Those under 16 can be accepted if they come with their parents or tutor. In the same way, those under 16 that come in groups with at least one tutor are also accepted.


  1. Student ratio per lesson:

The number of students per lesson is limited to eight. The number can be extended to 10, only, under special circumstances and subject to the director’s approval. The average per teaching lesson is from four to five students which enables us to follow each individual student’s progress.


  1. Health insurance:

Students must arrange their private health insurance in their country of origin. We advise students from the European Union to bring the European E111 form.


  1. Damage:

If a student should cause damage in the lodging or in the school, she/he will be the only responsible party and will be responsible for the repairs.


  1. Good behaviour in lodging:

Students must observe the rules of living together, hygiene, cleaning, respect, and security laid out in the sharing flats, families, campus or residences. If a student infringes the rules, he/she may be expelled by the School Campus Idiomático without any right to a money refund. The student will continue attending the lessons in the school premises, but she/he will have to look for and pay for a new lodging for the rest of his stay. The School representative reserves the right to visit the lodgings to inspect their condition, conservation and correct use in order to take care of all the occupants.


  1. Good behaviour in class:

A student can be expelled from the class if she/he, constantly, interrupts the teacher and/or the normal development of the course, without any motive. In the same way, she/he will be expelled if she/he bothers other students seriously and persistently. general conditions


  1. Jurisdiction:

The administrative area is ruled by the court of Malaga. general conditions



Suplemento en los meses julio, agosto y septiembre 25€/semana